We Went to Different Schools: Bruce Molsky & Brittany Haas
“Doors Open” when the stream goes live 15 minutes before showtime.
Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT
Tickets: $15*
Grammy-nominated fiddler Bruce Molsky, “widely regarded as one of the best living practitioners of Appalachian old-time fiddling” (WBUR), and fiddler’s fiddler Brittany Haas (of Crooked Still) come together for a joyful evening of old-time music. The event will crackle with heart-thumpingly gorgeous songs that bridge Molsky’s and Haas’ respective generations with the community—past, present, and future—who carries this musical tradition forward over the centuries.
Both Molsky and Haas are revered for their old-time fiddling, a musical tradition which comes from the southern Appalachian mountains. The concert will find the two friends trading old-time works that have stood the test of time, laughing over memories, and delighting in the joy of how this rich musical heritage continues to grow. Historically played for dances, these social songs gather people together using a structure in which musicians perform the melody together.
It’s also possible to view this performance through the OurConcerts.live Apple TV or iPad apps.
Important Note: Your access code entitles you to watch the performance on a single device so you will need to chose whether to watch on your computer, tablet, smart phone, or through the Apple TV app.